
A personal repository to expand your vocabulary.

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A Personal Word Repository


Word Repo is an application designed to help users to expand their vocabulary. The app was inspired by two Chinese-American students who needed a better way to adapt to American Culture.

Many applications either teach new languages or allow you to save words but none combine both a word repository and a links to reference.

Word Repo is literally a word repository that allows you to save words you find while reading and saves the url where the word was found.

Finders Keepers

How it works

Word Repo has streamlined saving interested words and adding them to a personal list. Just as you would define a word on an iOS device you have the ability to share the word with Word Repo and reference it later.

Word Repo allows you to create personal lists for your desired categories (i.e. Biology 101, American English) and gives the user an area to review the terms.

Personalize Notifications

Please remind me to study

Word Repo allows you to personalize notifications so that you are reminded at the right times when to reference the words you've saved to add them to your vocabulary.

Users learning a new language love the ability to set a word goal. This feature allows users to expand their vocabulary at their own pace.

Learning a new language

English learning has never been this easy, you can use your random and miscellaneous time to study your saved words.

Study on your time

Sometimes it’s hard to keep learning vocabulary everyday,Word Repo allows you to customize reminders on when to study your words.

Learn Professional Terms

Starting a new industry requires learning new words. Word Repo creates a space to save the new company or industry terms to add to your vocabulary and stay in the know.

Meet the Designers

UX/UI Designer

Ji Hu

UX/UI Designer Ji Hu loves to incorporate lean design thinking throughout his design process. With a background in photography he creates a smooth and pleasing interface to solve users problems. He is currently located in the Atlanta area and more of his work can be found here.

UX/UI Designer


Charlie-Nicole is a UX/UI Developer in Atlanta, GA with a background in journalism. Her design process ranges from traditional to starting from the end and working toward the beginning. Working on Word Repo allowed her to look toward her passion of words and create a method that allows users to expand their vocabulary. Click here to view more of her work.

UX/UI Designer

Ji Li

Before starting with User Experience and Interface Design Ji Li worked in the environmental design industry. He believes that research and testing really helps to define the users problems and through testing and iterations the product will truly meet the users needs for more of his work click here.

I love that every feature on this app is visible with the option to expand your view.

Jamal Cowins

Word Repo Member

HeadNulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Pus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.ing

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

New York Times

Word Repo

A modern way to expand your vocabulary

Ready to expand your vocabulary?